Suggested Plans For Streaming

Basic (nbn12)
No Lock-in Contract
$0 Activation Fee
Unlimited Data
Good for households with multiple devices
Typical Evening Speed (7pm - 11pm)
Download Speed
Upload Speed

Basic (nbn25)
No Lock-in Contract
$0 Activation Fee
Unlimited Data
Good for households with multiple devices
Typical Evening Speed (7pm - 11pm)
Download Speed
Upload Speed

Basic (nbn50)
No Lock-in Contract
$0 Activation Fee
Unlimited Data
Good for households with multiple devices
Typical Evening Speed (7pm - 11pm)
Download Speed
Upload Speed
- 高清(HD 1080p):最低需要 5 Mbps 才能順暢播放。但對於多用戶家庭,20–50 Mbps 更能保障無緩衝的高清體驗。
- 超清(4K Ultra HD):單台設備觀看 4K 畫質最低需要 25 Mbps。若家庭內有多台設備同時觀看 4K 影片,建議選擇 100 Mbps 及以上的寬頻套餐。
- 低延遲 + 高速寬頻:支持多個設備同時流暢觀看,無需擔心卡頓或降畫質。
- 無限流量:隨心觀看,不必擔心數據超限或流量封頂。
- 優化網絡路由:澳世網絡架構減少影片緩衝,確保直播和點播內容穩定播放。
- 隨時觀看,無流量焦慮:即使多個設備高強度使用,也不用擔心流量超標。
- 無卡頓體驗:避免因接近流量上限而被限速或降低畫質,確保流暢觀影。
- 適合全家共享:滿足多用戶、多設備的需求,保證每個人都能流暢觀看自己喜歡的內容。
- 高清(HD 1080p):每小時約 3GB 數據消耗。
- 超清(4K UHD):每小時消耗高達 7–10GB 數據。
- 支持多種設備:無論是智能電視、遊戲機、平板、手機,都能輕鬆適配,確保不同設備的流媒體需求。
- 高性能路由器:智能頻寬分配(QoS 功能),優先保障流媒體數據傳輸,減少卡頓。
- 穩定連接:Occom 提供的預配置路由器經過嚴格測試,可在大戶型、多設備環境下保持高性能,滿足高需求用戶。
- 雙頻 Wi-Fi 技術:支持 2.4GHz(廣覆蓋) + 5GHz(高速流媒體),兼顧範圍和速度。
- 智能頻寬優先:自動識別流媒體設備,優先分配頻寬,確保觀看不卡頓。
- 強勁信號覆蓋:Occom 高性能路由器提供強大信號,無論身處家中哪個角落,都能暢享流暢觀影。
Frequently Asked Questions
When choosing an NBN plan with Occom, understanding the difference between connection types can help clarify the experience you’ll have with your internet service. Here’s a breakdown of three major NBN connection types:
What are the types of nbn® internet and what WiFi devices should I use?
- FTTP – Fibre to the premises utilises fibre optic cable to connect your premises directly to nbn® from the nearest node. In order for this connection to work, a utility box will be required to be installed outside of your premises in addition to a connection box that is installed inside the premises. FTTP is the best nbn® connection type of technology, which is more consistent in its delivery of ultrafast internet speed. You will need to connect a router to the Network Termination Device (NTD) to access Internet service.
- FTTN – Fibre to the Node utilises fibre optic cable to the nearest node to your premises. The signal from the optic fibre cable then travels down through existing copper lines to the primary telephone wall socket. A VDS2-compatible modem router is required for this type of connection to work.
- FTTB – Fibre to the Building utilises fibre optic cable all the way to a shared point in the building’s communications room. From there, the connection travels along the existing copper lines to each customer. In order for this type of connection to function, a VDSL 2-compatible modem router is required.
- FTTC – Fibre to the Curb is the newest technology available, which is capable of bringing optic fibre cables almost all the way to your premises. The connection then travels through existing copper cables into the home for quick and stable internet. A nbn® connection device, short for NCD, is then set up within the premises and then connected to the primary telephone wall socket. You will need to connect a router to nbn® NCD to access Internet service.
- HFC – Hybrid Fibre Coaxial is utilised where there is an existing cable network that can be used to make the final part of the connection. Similarly, with FTTN and FTTB, fibre optic cable is connected to a nearby node. A coaxial cable is then used to connect to a nbn® device, which is installed inside the customer’s premises. You will need to connect a router to nbn® HFC NTD to access Internet service.
For more information on nbn® speeds, see here.
What nbn® speeds are provided?
What is the nbn® Termination device?
What should I do to make an appointment for nbn® installation?
Available appointment windows vary depending on the availability of nbn® technicians in your area. Appointment times can be either 8am to 12 noon or 1pm to 5pm in the afternoon. The nbn® technician may call you when they are on their way. Please ensure that you are available for the full appointment time slot. Please also ensure:
- the landlord or authorised representative of your account is on site and available to ensure during installation, all the equipment is installed where you want
- the access to all work areas (including any required access permits). This includes all server and communications rooms for your residence/business (if there is any) in order for the installation.
What is the nbn® New Development Charge?
How is Occom different from other nbn® providers?
Reach Out To Us
Contact our professional support team who will answer any questions and help you with the signup.
Call now: 1300 299 999
Daily 8AM – 10PM AEST